letter for you

A letter that I have made extremely late :p

Know that I have received everything more from you than I have ever imagined I would. And want you to know that you have given me so many good memories that are always alive in my mind. Its all because you are an amazing person who goes above and beyond every day. You are here with me every day and I know that I am extremely fortunate to have you always here with me.

Not to say how much I cherish and care for you, I just want to emphasize how much you have given in these years together. You make every hour feel like minutes and minutes doesn’t count. And I feel like I know you from my entire life. I always feel too special with you. You have been the one constant in my life from past years. Doesn’t matter how far the time seems to take us, you always remain here with me. You were never who I thought would be an essential part of my life, but now you are an essential and best part of it too.

When I got to know you first, I never would have thought we would be this close. You were just another person like all of the rest. But you were always different. Different in a good way of course. Then we navigated those moments of getting to know each other. And today, we know each other so much that sometimes we don’t need any explanations. But I have always felt so comfortable with you. When I am with you, I can unapologetically be myself. I like to believe that we are the light in each other’s darkness. And I find it difficult to believe that someone completely like you could be even existing.

From knowing you to be with you, I found a person whom I could totally relate to and can count on as me. It’s hard to find a person like you and its harder to keep that person :p But I love that I have found you and also I have you with me always. I love your patience, your acceptance, and the way you care unconditionally, yet gracefully let go of what you cannot change.

I don’t know how we have perfect timing most of the times. And also how we get to know what might be running inside each other’s mind. Maybe we know each other more than normal or maybe here’s something else that always let know us :p But I love how we don’t rely on each other to let us know what’s going on. I am not being selfish :p but it’s significant to be with you, because I could ask you to make decisions on behalf of me, and there are lots of reasons, more than I can count.

You are being a necessary part of my life, every day. And whatever I have in my mind, I want to let you know first. Still, I sometimes think that whether should I tell you or not, but regardless of how much I think about this, I always end up telling you. I always want to be with you and want to be here, even in times when I don’t want anyone to be here.

Sharing is caring!

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